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Stan Lee is the one who owned and created Marvel. 

He unfortunately died on the 24th November 2018 due to heart failure. 

His childhood was tough after his dad lost job through the great depression. 

He created the concept of a comic universe. 

Without him the writing world would of changed by someone else. 



Was Stan Lee a good kid at school? 

When did he get his first job and what type of job was it? 

What were Stan Lee's last word? 



Stan Lee was a publisher and editor for Marvel Comics. His rivalry was between Malcolm Wheeler-Nicholson, the one who created DC. They have been battling it out to see who is the grand champion. Comics after comics, movie after movie it didn’t stop. There was a video interview with the Web of Stories, Lee talked about how people always asked him which DC characters he would have liked to write. His answer was that it didn't matter to him, as he liked to write about all characters, no matter who they are. Stan Lee doesn't mind DC being better then Marvel. Stan is a good sport even through Dc might be on the upper hand. But when Stan Lee died, DC still pays their respects by DC Comics twitting post of a brief statement about Lee after the news of his passing went public. "He changed the way we look at heroes, and modern comics will always bear his indelible mark''. DC also planted a statue in front of their build on honoring Stan Lee on his awesome work he has done for the world. Even though they have some fire between them they are still good people. This is like a rugby game when to team play against each other and they fight to see who wins. But at the end of the day most people take the lost sensible and if they win they don’t tell the opposition in their faces. 


Stan Lee served in the military in WWII. 

He is the highest paid cameo to this day, but some say it's unfair.  

His first comic he ever published was Captain America Foils the Traitor's Revenge. 

He was not even the founded creator of Marvel. 

There is a Stan Lee foundation. 



When did Stan Lee start his foundation? 

Where did he meet her wife? 

How much money did he get when he was at his first job? 



I think I developed a good understanding during my research. I used reliable websites and some good YouTube videos. The YouTube videos helped me a lot because I didn’t have to read a bunch of pages about Stan Lee, YouTube videos just gave me the solid facts and trustworthy details about him. I also dislike it when there is a bunch of information in one huge paragraph. It was better when websites had there info spaced out neatly. From when I started to lean about Stan Lee, I thought I knew a lot about him. But I was absolutely wrong. There was much more info and achievements, I didn’t know. My questions at the start basically answered in the second thoughts headline. I will explore more in his Stan Lee foundation and how that impacted the world. 

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