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23rd September 1938 

I'm in year 10. I've just finished my exam and there is still 30 minutes left. My parents want me to drop out of school as soon as possible to make money for my family, but I'm thinking about a career that I want. So, I start to think about what I like to do in my free time. Reading is extremely enjoyable, especially comics. BINGO! I am going to be a comic writer. But what should I write about? I sat there unsure on what to do. Looking out the window I saw a spider. Then it came to me! What if that spider that could save people? That's when I got the idea of writing and creating superhero's. I want to tell people about superhero ideas. But I have no friends to tell. People think I'm strange.  


I get home to tell my parents my idea. They burst into laughter. They thought my idea is a joke. They said ''This is no way to make money or help the world''. But I ignored them and kept imaging my ultimate dream. I think I should get to work on my ideas. I will show all the people that doubt me what I can do. 


18th October 1939 

I just graduated from high school at age 16 today. Would you believe, I was hired as an editor assistant for Timely Comics! This is not close to my dream, but it's a good start! The bad thing about this job is that I don’t even get a say in the books I want to write and I can't make up my own super heroes … yet!  When I say editing I mean correcting words and mistakes and rubbing out all the pencil marks that were left from sketching. My hand vibrates and stiffens up due to rubbing out lead for hours. I got so bad that I had to order a massage session. 


13th April 1940 

So I got the courage to walk up to my boss and tell him my ideas for writing my own books. As I was about to speak he said ''There is a writing position that just opened up, would you like to do that instead for a month or so''. ''Until we find a new author''. This is huge for me. My luck is finally turning around. From today, I show people what I can do. But then I thought to myself that this position was only temporary. I guess I better make the most of it. If they see that I am good at this job, they might make my full time writer. I will put in the time and show them my skill in writing from my imagination. 


4th May 1941 

Guess what? I've finally published my first book! I have been planning this book for a long time now and it has finally come out! My first comic I have ever published is 'Captain America Foils the Traitor's Revenge!' How good does that sound!? As I was approaching home I could see kids with my new novel. I have a good feeling in my heart about it! All that work was extremely worth it. When I got home my parents were so excited to see me and proud of my effort. I didn’t believe them at first so I just ignored them. They were never supporting me through those time when I needed them and while I was writing the book. All there negative comments like ''You will never get anywhere with this job''. ''QUIT STAN LEE''. ''This this is a ridiculous career, are you being serious?''. There were thousands more nasty comments. 


I went to my room and shut the door as loud as I could. I wanted to change my name because when I hopefully become famous I don’t want people knowing my name is Leiber. I don’t want people to know that I was that loser at school. I want people to think that I was a popular kid at school. They wouldn’t know I was a flop if I change my name. As I was in bed I came up of names. I wanted it to be similar to Lieber. That’s when I got the idea of Lee. But then I realized my family would be upset. After all the things they have done for me I could do that to them. Changing my last name, what was I thinking. So I decided to make a nickname so nothing could go hugely wrong. Stanley Martin Lieber was my name and I wanted to change my first name into to word. Stan Ley didn’t make sense but Lee is similar to Ley. Stan Lee is perfect. 



12th September 1950 

It's been many years since I have written in my diary. I have been too busy writing books for Timley Comics, now to Marvel Comics. Whenever I get the time to write in this book I will take it. Things have gotten a lot better. I have moved into a nice house with my wife Joan. She is amazing around the house. Joan was a British-American model and voice actress. I met her in New York City in the 1940s while working as a hat model. I was just getting a hotdog at a hotdog stand then I saw her. That’s how lucky I am to meet her. Without her support or work she does I would have never became what have done to this day. 


14th August 2010 

I wanted to sell Marvel because I knew I was going to die soon and I want my family to have a lot of money so they don’t get worried about having money. The Walt Disney Company bought Marvel for $4 billion. I did not see a huge financial gain from this sale, but Disney did agree to continue paying me a lifetime annual salary of $1 million. At least I know get huge amount of money for my family. It's not all to my family, of course. 


I will also donate I lot into my Stan Lee foundation. They need it. Education is one of the most important things every human should have. Unfortunately, some people don’t have that experience. People take the education they have for granted. That’s why I created the foundation, to help people. 

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