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Have you ever heard about Stan Lee from Marvel Comics? Sorry, that’s my mistake. Everyone knowns who he is! If you don’t know who he is then that’s ok because I will tell you. I have spent month after long month learning about him. The pain doesn’t stop here … I am still researching Stan Lee every day. Lee has had some extraordinary events in his lifetime. There was a time when he had some puzzling hardships. But he got through them like the man we know today. That is a huge reason why he is a notable person. He went from having no money to being a multi-millionaire. He has also received many awards. Do you want to know how many awards he has achieved? Well, if you want to know the answer about that, then you better keep reading (DON'T GOOGLE IT)! Trust me there will be better info to learn about from me very soon. Was Lee perfect? No. Did he have a some faults? Yes. But that’s just contributes to why this guy is notable.  


I have thoroughly researched my notable person, Stan Lee. I liked watching YouTube videos about him because they stated the facts. It also gave lots of secret information, that was difficult to find on websites. Easy to use websites were helpful when the information was neatly organized. This was a big bonus when the internet worked for me like this. It was horrible when there were pages and pages of boring information which I felt would not contribute to my research. I would also need to go back to information and websites, so if there was a tonne of words which sometimes made me feel I was drowning. But I kept going. In the end for my research I used multiple videos, book and helpful websites. This meant I had so many facts and I questioned these facts, to see if the information was fake. But because I read and watched a bunch of things about Lee, I took in the information in and eventually I knew if it was fake or true. 


Stan Lee has won a whooping six huge awards in his lifetime. Mainly due to his characters success, Stan is now valued at $200 million. Because of Stan, cartoonists are now taken seriously all around the world. Stan proved his worth as a writer earning respect just as his world-renowned favorite authors. He made most of his fortune by creating Spider-Man, Hulk, Thor, Fantastic Four, the Avengers, Tony Stark, Ant Man, and by writing for DC in creating the 'Just Imagine' series. 


Stan Lee was the co-creator of Spider-Man, Iron Man, Fantastic Four, Thor, the Avengers, Hulk, X Men and many others. Lee's worked at Marvel Comics since he was 17 years old. He also served in the army as a playwright for three years. He was married to his wife for more than 60 years. That was amazing, but that ended due to her passing away. He has his own foundation called the Stan Lee Foundation, that’s helps educate people in the arts. He has appeared in movies in many cameo roles. He is the highest paid actor who has made a cameo of all time to be exacted. He was inducted into the Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame and the Jack Kirby Hall of Fame. A huge achievement for him and his family.  


There was a one big reason why Stan Lee had so much luck in his career. When Stan Lee was at school, his parents wanted him to help out with the money. Lee wanted to get a job that he enjoyed. He always loved reading comic books so that what he wanted to do for the rest of his life. This was going to be hard for him, but he knew that right from the start. Lee graduated early from high school at age the of 16. Would you believe, he was hired as an editor's assistant for Timely Comics at such a young age! But this is not come close to his dream … but it was a good start! The bad thing about this job was that he didn't even get a say in the books. He wanted to write and make up his own super heroes, but couldn't yet. When Lee says editing, he means correcting words and mistakes and rubbing out all the pencil marks that were left from sketching. His hand vibrates and stiffens up due to rubbing out lead for hours. It got so bad that he had to order a massage session to stop the pain. This made him so mad that he got the courage to walk up to his boss and say enough is enough. But as Lee was about to tell his boss the news, his boss said that there was a temporary writing position that just came up. Would he like to take it? Stan screamed to the top of his lungs "YES, YES!" Without the head writer pulling out, Lee would never have been offered this position and could have walked away from the industry. But for him to stay there forever he needed to be good and he did that like a boss. Stan was that good at his job, that they had no choice but to keep him. But I think no matter which way Stan Lee stepped he was always going to be the best writer for the best company.  


Stan Lee had to work hard all his life. Right from his childhood, Stan Lee faced a lot of problems and setbacks. His family struggled for money because his father was unemployed most of the time. His dad lost his job through the great depression.  The hard times didn’t pull back his confidence and he became more motivated to make it big in life. He needed to work hard when he was a writer for timely comics. He constantly needed to have good ideas for the company and having them due on time. If he was just a few days late of handing in writing pieces they might have asked him to leave. No second chances, but he tried his best and succeeded.  


I am so grateful that Stan Lee was a part of our life. Reading his comics and seeing his ideas come to life in movies have meant the world to me. The storylines take us to faraway places and we can experience life at a another level. His superheroes are so unique in many different ways. The characters show so many similarities to Stan Lee and I see many wonderful inspiring things in each. I mean everyone goes through hard times no matter who you are. He started from just a couple hundred dollars to being a millionaire. That shows that anything is possible if you work for it and set up goals for you to accomplish. I doesn’t matter how long it takes you. There is a goal for you and Stan Lee shows us through his creations, that we have the ability to reach those goals. If Stan wasn’t born, the writing world would have been so much different environment. Lee has changed the way I write today. With his comic there is defiantly at least ten thing you will learn from his writing style. There is just that spark in him that makes him who he is today. That cannot be copied from anyone else. Without a doubt his creative style makes him one of the most notable people you will ever hear in your life. 


 I would like to propose that Stan Lee is my Notable person because of all the amazing things he has done and characters and stores he has created during his life and all the joy he has brought to people around the world. Learning about him has been a honor. As you know Stan Lee is extremely notable. There is no way he is not. If you don’t believe me then go back to the start of this writing piece and read it all again. His legacy still goes on until this day. That's why I am still a massive fan of his.  

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